What is Relevant?


Relevant is a Student Ministry of Grace Community Church. We exist to help students in Middle and High School discover Real Life. Real Life is what we all desire, because we all want a life that matters, that is true, that is ultimately living for our created purpose. Far too often we attempt to find real life in everything outside of Jesus, but ultimately real life is only found in a relationship with Jesus.

Each week we are fighting to help students discover what real life is at Relevant through games, worship, a biblical-relatable message, and intentional small groups.
Relevant meets every Wednesday night during the school year, and has special camp experiences over the summer.



Our weekly gathering is split Middle School (6PM-7:30PM) and High School (7:30-9PM)
at Grace Community Church (2853 Dunlop Ln. Clarksville, TN)

Scroll down to learn a bit more about us!

What We Value

Relevant exists for ALL students from Middle School (6-8th Grade) and High School (9-12th Grade). We know people are messy, and that we all come from different walks of life, but we are here and welcome for all students.

No matter where you are,
you are welcome here. 

We weren’t meant to live life on our own. God created us to be in relationship with one another. Through relationship with people we experience new things, grow deeper in connection, and find support and accountability in our faith.

We value relationship, 
and bring students together.

We live in a time of connection, privilege, and possibility, which means we want to use our lives to make a difference. We help students to see and practice being a force for good and love in this world. In school, at home, and wherever else we may go we want to make a difference.

We are all made different in order to be a difference for good in this world.

Growth is something that is meant to be a defining piece of all of us. We grow up physically, but also in maturity, and we are called to grow spiritually. We want to help students discover where they need to not only grow in life, but in their relationship with God. 

Each week we are focused on helping students discover their next steps.

What to Expect

Large Group 

We use games, videos, songs, and a message to help students meet with God and know Him better. We start the night with some games to help students break the ice, get to know one another, laugh, and celebrate. Following this we go into a worship and praise that is led by our student band. Worship is meant to help direct our hearts toward God.

Following this we have a time of guided prayer called “Focus Time” to help students to focus on God and what His message will be teaching us that night. Lastly, we have a message delivered by an experienced adult pastor with the focus of helping students identify next steps to take in their relationship with Jesus. This large group time lasts about an hour. Immediately following Large Group, students will move into Small Group.

Small Group

Small group is the most important thing we do on a Wednesday night. Small group is a time for students to discuss, grow, and begin to apply the next steps in their relationship with Jesus based on the message they heard in Large Group.

Small group looks like students connecting with the same spiritual friends of the same grade and gender and an adult mentor each week. Through this consistent group, and leaders, students will be able to process questions and thoughts they have about anything going on in their life, and have people loving them, guiding them, and holding them accountable. The goal is for students to identify a next step in their walk with Jesus. Our simple goal on Wednesday nights is that students would learn something about God that changes how they live.

In Large Group, we teach
In Small Group, we apply

Register for Small Group

One of the most important things we do at Relevant is small group.
This is a time not only for growth and fun, but for intentional relationships. 
Every Wednesday we make sure to cultivate and make time for relationships in a time of small group.

Make sure to register for one of our amazing groups now
to begin your small group experience this Wednesday!

Have more questions?
Contact Us

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