The Big Picture

What is the Big Picture?
The Big Picture is our biggest sermon series of the year at Relevant. During the month of January we take time to look at our modern day parables, the movies, to discover big, important, life-changing biblical truths for our lives. This series is different and fun, but it also aligns with one of Jesus’ primary ways of teaching throughout the gospels, through fictional stories called parables.
This is a big series at Relevant with free popcorn and free soda each week. Students will go into the auditorium, play games, worship, and then sit back, eat popcorn, and enjoy a video sermon with a different movie and life application theme each week. We LOVE this series, and we know you will too!
Airing January 8th, 2020
Bring Your Friends
The Big Picture is our most popular series of the year, and one of the easiest times to invite a friend to Relevant. People love the movies, and we have seen that our students are more willing to come to church for the first time during this series.
We want to help make inviting your friends even easier! Grab the Instagram story pictures and social media post pictures to share with your friends. Also, click on the button below to grab the Big Picture video to share with your friends.